NAACP-NWF Joint Resolution on Climate Change

During the week of July 12, 2009 NWF and the NAACP proposed the following joint resolution at the Annual NAACP Meeting.  The resolution was adopted at the meeting.


WHEREAS, the impacts of climate change disproportionately impacts the communities of color; and

WHEREAS, globally, climate change is likely to cause damage in excess of $600 billion per year, with particularly negative effects in Africa

WHEREAS, about 160,000 people die every year worldwide from side-effects of global warming ranging from malaria to malnutrition and reduction of agricultural output in many poorer countries; and

WHEREAS, an additional 80-90 million poor people could be at risk of hunger and malnutrition later in the 21st century and poorer countries are much less able to withstand the devastation caused by extreme weather events, and climate change is likely to increase such events; and

WHEREAS, over 70 percent of African Americans live in counties in violation of federal air pollution standards; and

WHEREAS, in every one of the 44 major metropolitan areas in the U.S., African Americans are more likely than Whites to be exposed to higher air toxic concentrations. As a result, African Americans are nearly three times as likely to be hospitalized or killed by asthma.

WHEREAS, solving the climate crisis can create 5 million ‘green’ jobs that will be in places where they are needed most

WHEREAS, a new energy policy can reduce the burden of low and moderate-income households spending a larger share of their budgets on energy and other basic costs of living than better-off households; and

WHEREAS, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports that the average surface temperature of the earth increased nearly 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit in the 20th century, due primarily to human caused climate change.

WHEREAS, scientists project an increase of 3.2-7.2 degrees Fahrenheit in the 21st century, depending upon the extent to which climate change pollution is reduced.

WHEREAS, we have an opportunity to end energy policies that drain jobs from our economy, put our communities at risk of heat waves and flooding, and drag America into conflicts over energy resources overseas; and

WHEREAS, meaningful climate change policy can create real public benefits including millions of good green-collar jobs and build an inclusive green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty; and

WHEREAS, energy prices are already rising dramatically as the world’s supply of fossil fuels to keep pace with increasing demand

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT, the NAACP will call on our nation’s elected leaders to ensure that the response to climate change can take a higher ground than business as usual – one that ensures that we capture real public benefits from the new energy economy; and

BE IT THEREFORE FURTHER RESOLVED THAT,  the NAACP supports climate change policy that will build a new generation of good jobs, rebuild urban areas and support rural areas, and protect families, communities and public health, and help elevate our nation as a world leader

BE IT THEREFORE FINALLY RESOLVED THAT, the NAACP resolves to work with the National Wildlife Federation and will urge all of its units to support legislation and other efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions, reverse the process of climate change and promote the new green economy

9 responses to “NAACP-NWF Joint Resolution on Climate Change”

  1. [...] taking action to combat global warming and recharge America’s economy. Today the NAACP approved a historic resolution addressing climate change for the first time in the organization’s [...]

  2. [...] Clean Energy and Security Act, attacked Boxer for being “racial” when she cited the NAACP’s support of clean energy and climate legislation. Saying he took “offense as an African American and a veteran,” he asked why she [...]

  3. [...] Clean Energy and Security Act, attacked Boxer for being “racial” when she cited the NAACP’s support of clean energy and climate legislation. Saying he took “offense as an African American and a veteran,” he asked why she [...]

  4. [...] American Clean Energy and Security Act, attacked Boxer for being “racial” when she cited the NAACP’s support of clean energy and climate legislation. Saying he took “offense as an African American and a veteran,” he asked why she didn’t quote [...]

  5. [...] American Clean Energy and Security Act, attacked Boxer for being “racial” when she cited the NAACP’s support of clean energy and climate legislation. Saying he took “offense as an African American and a veteran,” he asked why she didn’t quote [...]

  6. [...] by Boxer’s presumption of implementing the NAACP joint  resolution on climate change (NAACP – NWF Joint Resolution) and a statement of support of the NAACP joint resolution (which has nothing to do with the [...]

  7. [...] the energy futures fray: at the NAACP’s annual national conference this week, the NAACP passed a formal resolution pledging support for comprehensive climate and clean energy [...]

  8. [...] This post was Twitted by GP_Anna [...]

  9. [...] list … LEAGUE OF MICRONATIONS JOINT RESOLUTION Distinguished Members of the General Assembly; …NAACP-NWF Joint Resolution on Climate ChangeDuring the week of July 12, 2009 NWF and the NAACP proposed the following joint resolution at the [...]


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