Fact Sheet: Murkowski Amendment
NWF has put together a great fact sheet on the Murkowski amendment and how it would [...]
Fact Sheet: Senate Climate Bill Summary
NWF staff have put together a comprehensive summary of the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power [...]
Report: Everybody’s Movement: Environmental Justice and Climate Change
Angela Park from the Environmental Support Center just released a new report exploring how the Environmental Justice movement can contribute to climate organizing, policy and solutions.
Toolkit: ICLEI Sustainability Planning for Cities and Counties
ICLEI USA has released a major new resource, the Sustainability Planning Toolkit, to help their 600 U.S. local government members develop strong sustainability plans for their communities.
Factsheet: Fair Climate Project
Fair Climate Fact Sheet shows what we need for Congress to do in order to address [...]
Briefing: Tribal Priorities for U.S. Climate Legislation
On September 9, 2009, NWF Tribal Lands Program hosted a Tribal Briefing on Climate Change Legislation. [...]
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