Fact Sheet: Murkowski Amendment
NWF has put together a great fact sheet on the Murkowski amendment and how it would [...]
Fact Sheet: Senate Climate Bill Summary
NWF staff have put together a comprehensive summary of the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power [...]
Factsheet: Fair Climate Project
Fair Climate Fact Sheet shows what we need for Congress to do in order to address [...]
Fact Sheet: S. 1733, Clean Energy Jobs & American Power Act of 2009
NWF has created a brief overview of the Senate Bill 1733, Clean Energy Jobs and American [...]
Climate Justice Fact Sheet
This fact sheet offers examples of the disproportionate impact that climate change has on people of color, [...]
NWF Climate Action Toolbox
An Assessment of the American Clean Energy and Security Act (H.R. 2454)
Want to know [...]
China and Climate Change
Here is a useful Fact Sheet on what China is doing to address climate change.
Fair Climate Analysis of American Clean Energy and Security Act
NWF developed an analysis of the American Clean Energy and Security Act based on the Fair [...]
International Fair Climate Fact Sheet
International Global Warming Fact Sheet shows what NWF is advocating for at the international level and [...]
Fair Climate Fact Sheet
Fair Climate Fact Sheet, what “Fair Climate” means to NWF and includes informative statistics on climate [...]
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