Fact Sheet: Murkowski Amendment

NWF has put together a great fact sheet on the Murkowski amendment and how it would [...]

Fact Sheet: Senate Climate Bill Summary

NWF staff have put together a comprehensive summary of the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power [...]

Factsheet: Fair Climate Project

Fair Climate Fact Sheet shows what we need for Congress to do in order to address [...]

Fact Sheet: S. 1733, Clean Energy Jobs & American Power Act of 2009

NWF has created a brief overview of the Senate Bill 1733, Clean Energy Jobs and American [...]

Climate Justice Fact Sheet

This fact sheet offers examples of the disproportionate impact that climate change has on people of color, [...]

NWF Climate Action Toolbox

An Assessment of the American Clean Energy and Security Act (H.R. 2454)
Want to know [...]

China and Climate Change

Here is a useful Fact Sheet on what China is doing to address climate change.


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