Consensus Principles on Forests and Climate Change

Recognizing the immediate opportunity federal climate change legislation presents to address global deforestation, NWF joined a group of the nation’s leading environmental groups, conservation organizations, and corporations in issuing the Forest Carbon Unity Agreement related to forests for incorporation into federal climate legislation. With the groups committed to working together to advance these principles as [...]

From Source to Sink: Reducing Commodity Agriculture’s Pressure on Natural Lands

Download this one-page description on NWF’s new international project: NWF Source to Sink Project Summary

Climate Change, Tropical Deforestation and Agriculture

On March 19th, 2009, the National Wildlife Federation hosted a dinner in conjunction with the Sustainable Food Lab and the World Wildlife Fund. Dinner guests discussed the links between tropical deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions and the markets for sustainable agricultural commodities.
In order to provide input to an ongoing dialogue among producers, traders and [...]

China and Climate Change

Here is a useful Fact Sheet on what China is doing to address climate change.


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